Local & Community

2 People Injured, Vehicle Catches Fire in Head On Collision

A two-vehicle collision causes traffic backups and major injuries Tuesday morning.

According to California Highway Patrol, the collision happened around 9 a.m. on HWY 62 northbound just off I-10 West.

CHP traffic records show two vehicles crashed head-on. One of the vehicles caught fire and the fire spread to nearby vegetation causing a 3-acre fire.

The driver of that vehicle escaped and sustained major injuries. CalFire says both drivers were transported to the hospital.

The Palm Springs Fire Department, Cathedral City Fire Department, and a Cal Fire San Bernardino unit were assisting in extinguish the flames.

At this time there is no other information on the drivers is available.

The cause of the crash is unknown.

By: Ceci Partridge

June 20, 2023

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