
Palm Springs Pride Parade Promotes Unity And Acceptance

PALM SPRINGS, Ca. The 30th Annual Palm Springs Pride Parade brought out tens of thousands of people from across the country and the world to celebrate love and equality. "Oh my gosh, I know I get a little choked up sometimes because it’s just so amazing. I’m here with my sister and family. It’s all about community and getting together and just coming together," said parade participant Miss Lola. Those in attendance came to do one thing. "It’s about unity, about embracing everybody’s diversity and who they are and who they’re about," said parade participant Marvin Garcia. "I think it’s an expression of confidence in who people are. And not being hesitant to do that," said parade spectator Ken Torry. "Often times as a school teacher I see that these are the students who are bullied and so I want them to be here so they see there is a place, that there is hope that they can be accepted. And for my kids to be seeing this community and these adults who are so proud to be who they are, it gives them hope that there is love and acceptance in this world," said local teacher Farah Meadows. Tens of thousands of people lined the streets to partake in the festivities and feast their eyes on the pageantry that the pride parade is known to bring. "We’re visiting form Alberta and we’re just having a great time. We didn’t know that the pride parade was going to be on when we booked our trip but we’re having a great time. It’s super!" said Torry. And the message from those who were proudly waving the rainbow flag is simple. "It’s about acceptance. On the back of our t-shirts its says, ‘I’m human. Isn’t that what matters?" said Meadows.

By: News Staff

November 6, 2016

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