
Coachella Approves Cesar Chavez Memorial

Coachella, CA

The City of Coachella has hired a design consultant to finalize plans for a Cesar Chavez Memorial at Del Oro Park.

The City Council last week approved the conceptual design of the memorial as well as a $25,000 contact with Community Works Design Group in Riverside to finalize the construction plans for the memorial to honor Chavez, the nationally known farm labor rights activist who worked out of the United Farm Workers office in Coachella in the 1960s.

The project will go out to bid for construction sometime in April or May and should be completed in June, according to Jonathan Hoy, Coachella’s city engineer.

Del Oro Park is a four-acre park. It is located on the northwest corner of Avenida de Oro and Avenue 50.

By: News Staff

March 13, 2017

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