New Indio Detention Center Reaches Construction Milestone
Indio, CA
It has taken crews more than one million construction labor hours to get to this point, the highest point of construction in the John Benoit Detention Center project, started in mid 2015. This morning, a white steel beam, signed by project workers, was hoisted to the top of the building.
The detention center is located on a 6.5 acre site at the southwest corner of Oasis Street and Highway 111 and totals nearly 516-thousand square feet. It came at a hefty price tag of $274 million but will have a lasting impact on the Indio Community.
The facility will house 1600 beds and will also include classrooms to jump start education like high school diploma programs,re-entry workforce readiness, career technical education and more. The goal is to keep these inmates from returning to jail. There’s also a new medical clinic inside as well and new video visitation will be added to lead the valley in top-of-the-line technology in the facility.
As for job growth, this facility will bring in hundreds of jobs, as a substantial investment in public safety and infrastructure in the community.
The project is expected to be complete this December and Riverside County hopes to have the new detention center up and running by mid 2018.
By: News Staff
July 31, 2017