
Local Firefighters Featured In Brand New Netflix Series

Coachella Valley Region ‘Fire Chasers’ on Netflix is a series that documents what its like for firefighters to battle the orange dragon in a new normal. "These fire conditions it’s never been this explosive, this early," says Cal Fire Battalion Chief Mike Mohler, a 22 year veteran of the fire service who is in the docu-series. It was filmed over two years during a fire season that has been one of the most dangerous in California’s history. "It gives that viewer the inside look at how explosive fire growth is now in California," says Mohler. KMIR News covered some of those fires. We saw firsthand what the Blue Cut Fire did. Fire crews were almost killed fighting that monster, 8,000 acre fire. "The Blue Cut Fire in San Bernardino County showing where engine companies actually had to shelter in place due to fire conditions." says Mohler. This series shows the disturbing reality that firefighters are dealing with. Because of years of drought, new growth followed by extreme temperatures fires are growing bigger and bigger. "So it really has gotten to that point where explosive fire growth is the new normal, it shouldn’t be a shock to newer firefighters but we’ve seen these conditions build and it is a result of climate change," says Mohler adding that weather has a huge impact on how fires behave and how they’re are fought. Firefighters hope the average viewer sees the consequences of inaction and takes action, like clearing brush and heeding evacuation orders. "And so an engine can get in there and have a fighting chance of defending your property … but if we ask you to evacuate you need to get out evacuate you need to get out immediately because if what we’re seeing as firefighters, explosive fire conditions you or the public are not trained to be in there," he says. Because even the heroes we rely on are facing unimaginable. The series is on now on Nexflix.

By: News Staff

September 12, 2017

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