Public Safety

Border Patrol Arrests Two Narcotic Body Carriers

El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents working at the Highway 86 immigration checkpoint arrested two subjects attempting to smuggle narcotics on their bodies on Friday morning.

The incident occurred at approximately 10:15 a.m., when a 63-year-old man driving a 2019 red Toyota Corolla with two juvenile female passengers approached the checkpoint.  A Border Patrol canine detection team alerted to the vehicle.  Agents sent the vehicle to secondary inspection for further investigation.

While in secondary inspection, agents found that both girls had packages hidden and strapped to their bodies, around their waist and chest areas.  In total, agents found seven packages; initial tests found that four contained cocaine and three packages contained pills with fentanyl.

The total weight of the cocaine discovered was 2.46 pounds and .78 pounds of fentanyl pills, with an estimated value of $61,500.

The juvenile women, two 17-year-old United States citizens, the driver, a Lawfully Admitted Permanent Resident, the narcotics and vehicle were turned over to the Imperial County Sheriff’s Office Border Crimes Suppression Team (BCST).

By: NBC Palm Springs

December 9, 2019

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