Local & Community
Rancho Mirage Encouraging Residents to Vote
Tuesday, April 14, is Election Day for residents registered to vote in the City of Rancho Mirage mail ballot election and Registrar of Voters Rebecca Spencer encourages every eligible voter to cast a ballot in the election.
The election will be conducted completely by mail, so there will be no established polling places.
Voted ballots must be in the possession of the Registrar of Voters office no later than 8:00 p.m. Tuesday or be postmarked on or before Tuesday and received no later then three days after Election Day to be counted.
The final election results will not be certified until April 30. A new law allows voters who forgot to sign their vote-by-mail return envelope to correct the missing signature within eight days after the election.
The April 14 election encompasses all of the City of Rancho Mirage and is not a countywide election. If you have any questions about your eligibility to vote, please contact the registrar’s office at (951) 486-7200.
Update: 4/14/20
Published: 4/13/20
By: NBC Palm Springs
April 14, 2020