Local & Community

City of Palm Desert offering coronavirus testing

The City of Palm Desert is offering coronavirus testing in partnership with the Desert Recreation District and Borrego Community Health Foundation.

The testing will be offered through drive-up’s by appointment.

A limited number of testing appointments are available between 6:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. on August 6 and August 20 and on September 3 and September 17.

Directions to the testing site and additional instructions will be provided when appointments are made.

If community demand for appointments is high, additional testing dates could be scheduled.

While insurance information will be required when making an appointment, there is typically no cost to those being tested. 

Uninsured residents will receive free testing.

To schedule an appointment you can contact Borrego Community Health Foundation at (833) 624-1097.

By: NBC Palm Springs

July 30, 2020

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