News Organizers Launch Phone Hotline To Help With Vaccine Appointments

We first introduced you to back in February, a volunteer organization helping local residents with booking Covid-19 vaccination appointments. Now VAXIE has recently launched VAXIE Warmline, a free, new service helping seniors and residents navigate the vaccination appointment system. "We started with our website and our Facebook and they just took off, we have so many followers. and then we realized we are definitely serving one part of our community, those that have internet access, but there is a whole nother part of our community that does not have internet access that we were not able to serve," explained Rhea Hoffman, Co-creator of A new resource is now available for those struggling on the internet trying to book an appointment, and all you need is a phone. "Something that people can call into, leave their name and number, and we can call them back and say how can we help," added Hoffman. VAXIE Warmline has about 20 volunteers that are trained to help residents make an appointment both in English and Spanish. "We got the idea from a group over in la, they’re called, Get The Shot Out L.A. and they started the warmline concept and we talked to them about what’s working for them and right now they’re getting about 150 calls a day on their warmline. The VAXIE Warmline is seeing about 200 calls a week, but being fairly new, organizers expect calls to pick up. "I went through at least three weeks of clicking on the website refresh, error message, refresh, error message, it was a disaster. finally, I got one way out 40 miles away, but I grabbed it because I needed it," said Barbara Mudge, resident of Cathedral City. After a rough experience, Barbara decided to use VAXIE after hearing about it from a friend. "Not only did VAXIE get me directly on the exact date of 28 days for Moderna, but I got here in town, I didn’t have to drive 40 miles and the most wonderful facility because there was no waiting, no long lines," added Mudge. Organizers expressing how quickly VAXIE can assist someone, but more importantly help those who feel unheard. "We got a call on the warmline, I saw it come in on my phone, and within five minutes I had a volunteer call this lady back, she was 92, we got here an appointment in 5 minutes for i think the next day at Costco. and she was talking to my volunteer and said you are the first people to ever call me back in six weeks," said Hoffman. For more information on VAXIE’S website, you can visit or call the warmline at 760-833-0569.

By: NBC Palm Springs

March 21, 2021

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