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NBCares Silver Linings Artist Council Grand Opening

The artist council has been very active in the Coachella Valley for over five decades, and this year there is some great news to share.

They have a new official space that will be the perfect showcase for the many talented artists and become a hub in the desert.

They are recognizing this event with the NEXUS Exhibition, Sale and Grand Opening Fundraiser on Friday, Oct 15th, from 5 – 8 pm.

Masks, proof of vaccination and photo ID will be required to enter the building for our first in-person exhibition of 2021.

After the grand opening the Artists Center at the Galen will be open Wednesday through Sunday, from 10am-4pm. Nexus runs from October 16 to November 23.

The Artists Center at the Galen is located at 72567 Hwy 111 in Palm Desert.

For more information visit artistscouncil.com.

By: Ceci Partridge

October 13, 2021

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