
Indio City Council Authorizes Free PPE Program

Indio’s City Council authorized the Free PPE program in the fall of 2020 to prioritize the safe and cost-efficient reopening of its most vulnerable businesses. A significant quantity of free disposable masks and rubber gloves are still available to eligible businesses and nonprofits that complete a simple form on the City’s website. This PPE distribution is paid for through the City’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.

“Free masks and gloves are not huge investments, but the cost adds up for businesses trying their best to keep their doors open right now,” said Indio Mayor Elaine Holmes.

While the 200 number is notable, it represents just over 10 percent of the locations with current business licenses in the City of Indio. “We hope our business community takes advantage of this program. The application takes just a couple of minutes to fill out,” added Mayor Holmes.

Winchell’s Donuts, Our Lady of Perpetual Help and Sloan’s Restaurant are a few of the most recent recipients of PPE.

“As a family owned restaurant, we appreciate the help from the City in any way we can,” said Kelly Sloan of Sloan’s Restaurant. “Especially in these uncertain times.” Sloan’s has also taken advantage of the City’s free Open for Business banner program.

Apply for PPE directly at (English) or (Spanish). Full program details are available at

Additional PPE, including hand sanitizer, masks and face shields are available through the City of Indio and Coachella Valley Economic Partnership. Learn more about this distribution at

By: Tiani Jadulang

April 5, 2022

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