Indio HS Baseball MVP Aeneas “Chino” Ramos Diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon Cancer
Aeneas “Chino” Ramos is a 17-year-old multi-sport athlete at Indio high school. He played sports his entire life and was always healthy, but during baseball season this past January, something felt off.
“One day I woke up with a huge stomachache and I lost a lot of weight and that’s when I was playing baseball.” Chino recounts the moment he felt his body began to feel differently.
“Every time I would overdo it, you know making a diving catch or trying to jump for the ball, I would always hurt my stomach.”
Initially diagnosed with gastritis, Chino finished out the baseball season and earned MVP of the Desert Valley League as a utility player for the Indio Rajahs.

However, Chino was still in pain so they went back to the doctor.
“The following week, they called us in and they said we need to talk to you,” says Julissa Ramos, Chino’s mother.
Weeks after Chino received his high school diploma, the Ramos family was hit with devastating news.
“They found out that I had stage four colon cancer.”
Colon cancer is typically found in males over the age of 50, so this was a shocking diagnosis. Especially for Miguel Ramos, Chino’s father, who is currently in his 50s.
“My son is 17 years old and having that, I mean it puts a big scare you know. I mean he’s fighting for his life right now.”

The Ramos family’s lives were forever changed, instead of baseball camps, they now spend time driving back and forth from doctor appointments at Loma Linda hospital in Murrieta.
However, what keeps their spirits lifted has been all the amazing support they’ve received from the Coachella Valley.
“I feel great to you know get this much love, it’s what brings me energy in the morning and at night,” says Chino. “Sometimes I do have my ups and downs, but overall you know, I just feel good with all the love I’ve been
getting it truly has been helping, so that’s why I really love my community.”
Julissa’s boss set up a go fund me page for the family and others have provided groceries, food, and prayers to Chino and the Ramos family.
“It’s just lifted up his spirit where he says I’m not even thinking about my health, he wants to be an advocate and give to others,” says Julissa.
Chino had plans to play baseball at College of the Desert, his dream was to play for the Los Angeles Dodgers.
“Baseball is something that definitely has driven me throughout the years, especially in high school. Knowing that I could do something bigger for myself and my career. Baseball is definitely something I did not want to give up on regardless of how I was feeling or, you know, what I was going through.”
For now, Chino wants to beat cancer, and spread positivity and hope to those who are also suffering from the same disease.
“Tell them that, you know, you’re not alone. You’re loved, have faith you’re strong. We want to give back that good feedback because we really care for others.”
Chino says that he wants to bring awareness and spread positivity any way he can, the family is hoping to grab the attention of the Los Angeles Dodgers so that he can promote his story on the major league stage.

Chino and his family are still trying to raise money for medical expenses, and they are selling two shirts, each $35 that will directly benefit the Ramos family. This fundraiser is being organized by Chino’s aunt, Giselle Corral. To purchase a shirt, Venmo Giselle @gisellecorral with shirt sizes or CLICK HERE. Shirt sizes are available in youth sizes (S-L) and adult sizes (S-2XL). FREE DELIVERY for all shirts will be provided at this time.
To donate to the family’s go fund me page, organized by John Sohn, CLICK HERE.

By: NBC Palm Springs
June 27, 2022