Local & Community

CVHS Students Return to New Drop-Off, Pick-Up Location

The 2022-2023 school year for Coachella Valley Unified School District start August 11th.

In an effort to keep students safe and mitigate traffic delays near the high school, administrators at Coachella Valley High School are changing where transported students will enter the campus.

Beginning Thursday, students who are dropped off by car or bus will enter on 55th Street.

"The reason being is that we there’s a lot of conduct on airport boulevard," said Lissette Santiago, CVUSD public information officer. "We have a one way street going one way and another one way street going another way and that interferes with traffic control. It’s also dangerous for our students to have to cross the street to be able to get into school."

The previous entrance was from Airport Boulevard, directly in front of the school.

For more information about the changes and how it may effect your commute visit facebook.com/CoachellaValleyUSD.

By: Ceci Partridge

August 11, 2022

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