
Riverside University Health System – Public Health Introduce “The Blue Zones”

The Blue Zones model is allegedly a first-of-its-kind population health initiative based on research and principles developed by Dan Buettner, a National Geographic Fellow and New York Times best-selling author who identified the cultures of the world- or the blue zones- with the healthiest, longest living populations, according to the press release.

The press release states, research shows that where people live has a bigger influence on their health than their genetics, so Blue Zones focuses on the Life Radius- the area close to home where people spend 90 percent of their lives. Blue Zones works with communities to optimize public policies, social connections, and the places and spaces where people spend the most time (streets, parks, schools, workplaces, grocery stores, faith communities, homes) to help make healthy choices easy and more accessible to all. The effort begins with an in-depth readiness and feasibility assessment of Riverside County that will help determine how to make it a healthier place to live, work, grow up, and grow older. The work will survey countywide policy with a detailed focus on the cities of Riverside, Banning, and Coachella, and the unincorporated communities of Mead Valley and French Valley.

The press release requests to join the city of Coachella, Riverside University Health System – Public Health (RUHS-PH), and the Blue Zones Activate team for a discussion about health and wellness in Coachella. Nick Buettner, Vice President and Producer of Blue Zones Expeditions, will be delivering a presentation exploring the Blue Zones origin story and solution, as well as highlighting significant outcomes from the 70+ communities that have allegedly already been transformed.

For more information about the Blue Zones Riverside Community Assessment, see our recent press release or visit them at For additional information related to the Activate Coachella Community Leadership Event and/or to request accommodations, please contact

By: Pristine Villarreal

January 31, 2023

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