Hamilton High Students Present Graphic DUI Prevention Program
ANZA (CNS) – Hamilton High School students are presenting a DUI prevention program Thursday that closed a portion of the road in front of the Anza school for a few hours in an effort to show the life-altering impacts of drunk driving.
From 8:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Mitchell Road between Bohlen Road and McDonald Lane will be closed for “Every 15 Minutes,” which will be conducted in conjunction with the California Highway Patrol, according to CHP Public Information Officer Jason Montez.
“This two-day program involves a very graphic, simulated fatal traffic crash with a drunk driver and the life-changing aftermath of those involved in the crash,” Montez said in a statement. “The purpose of the program is to provide an accurate picture of an alcohol-related fatal crash involving teens, the results of the crash, and the effect of the crash from the perspective of all parties involved.”
After the crash is simulated by high school students posing as drivers and injured passengers, CHP officers will conduct a realistic fatal crash investigation in front of the school, according to Montez.
Several agencies including Cal-Fire, American Medical Response and the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department will also respond to the scene and perform their duties as they would in a real crash.
During the simulation, students will see on-scene trauma triage, crash victim extrication, a DUI investigation, CHP helicopter transport and hospital treatment, followed by a funeral-themed assembly at the school on Friday, Montez said.
At the assembly, the students who were “injured” or “killed” in the simulation will be reunited with their families and other students.
Funding for the program is provided in part by community donations and the school’s Associated Student Body.
Copyright 2023, City News Service, Inc.
By: Pristine Villarreal
April 27, 2023