Local & Community

Desert Hot Springs Implements Supportive Measures to Boost Food Truck Industry Growth

Food trucks are rapidly becoming a favorite choice for food enthusiasts, and Desert Hot Springs is taking significant steps to support entrepreneurs in launching their own food truck businesses. The city has streamlined the process for obtaining permits and is educating residents through workshops in collaboration with the Riverside County Health Department. These workshops cover essential topics such as licensing and permits, financial management, marketing strategies, and food safety practices. The Riverside County Environmental Health Department and the Small Business Administration have also participated, offering valuable resources to aspiring food truck owners.

A newly unveiled map highlights various locations where mobile food facilities and compact mobile food operations can now operate within Desert Hot Springs. This initiative aims to ensure that the right ordinances are in place, approved by the city council, and effectively enforced.

Dhs Food Truck

The city has also designated specific areas where food truck owners can operate more freely, particularly in visible yet safe locations near Palm Drive. Restrictions have been eased to create a clear and straightforward path for mobile food vendors wishing to sell on private property.

Weekly events, such as Friday nights on Pierson, have successfully attracted businesses from other cities in the valley. One such business, Uncle D’s Smokehouse Barbecue and Grill, is considering returning to Desert Hot Springs due to the positive changes and supportive environment.

For more information, visit https://www.cityofdhs.org/mobile-food-facilities

By: Erik Newland

July 20, 2024

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