CA, US & World

"The Walking Testimony" Passes Through The Coachella Valley

Kyndal Ray, a mental health coach and former addict, is on a mission to raise awareness for mental health and recovery issues. Ray is continuing to raise awareness and spread the message "You Matter" by walking across the country. He began this journey in January of 2022, and has since walked 5,000 miles, passing right through the Coachella Valley. Kyndal's journey, known as "The Walking Testimony," honors those lost to mental health struggles and aims to complete his trek by March or April, marking six years of sobriety.

By: NBC Palm Springs

October 2, 2024

Kyndal Raymental health awarenessrecovery journeywalking across AmericaCoachella Valleysobrietyhoperesiliencemental health coach
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