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DAP Presents: National Coming Out Day, an interview with Dee Calmett

DAP Presents: National Coming Out Day! Dee Calmett, shares her lifelong journey of coming out, which began as a gay man, evolved into a drag queen, and included living with HIV. Now, at age 75, Dee embraces her identity as a trans woman. She emphasizes that coming out is an ongoing process of self-discovery and acceptance, urging others to embrace their authentic selves and let go of societal labels. As a front desk coordinator at DAP Health, Dee promotes inclusivity and kindness, ensuring that everyone feels valued. Her story serves as a powerful reminder that love and acceptance begin with self-acceptance.

By: NBC Palm Springs

October 11, 2024

National Coming Out DayDee Calmettlifelong process of coming outgay mandrag queenliving with HIVtrans womanselfacceptanceinclusivityDAP HealthLGBTQ journeyauthenticitygender identitypersonal growthbreaking societal labels
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