CA, US & World

California's New Plan for Affordable Education and Job-Ready Skills

In response to the rising costs of higher education, California is taking bold steps to address the challenge of making college more affordable while preparing students for high-demand jobs. Governor Gavin Newsom has proposed a plan to streamline and coordinate state and regional efforts, focusing on providing students with hands-on learning and job-related skills. This approach seeks to widen access to affordable education, ensuring that individuals can gain the expertise needed for today’s job market without being burdened by crippling student debt. Experts Katrina Dixon, a performing artist, and Nick Collins from Desert Sotheby’s International Realty, discussed the shifting value of a college degree. Katrina believes employers should focus more on experience and passion rather than solely relying on formal degrees. She advocates for equalizing the playing field by offering incentives to hire candidates without degrees. Nick Collins agrees, emphasizing that talent, determination, and a positive attitude are just as important as academic credentials. One key development in the plan is the creation of a career passport— a digital tool that showcases academic transcripts, verified skills, and credentials earned outside the classroom. This innovation aligns with the shift toward a more technology-driven workforce. This is a segment from The Roggin Report. For its full episode, head to PROGRAMS - ROGGIN REPORT on

By: NBC Palm Springs

December 19, 2024

California education planjobready skillsaffordable educationtalent vs degreeKatrina DixonNick Collinscareer passportdigital transcript
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