Public Safety

Growing Concern Over Bird Flu Spread to Cattle and Cats

Concerns over the spread of bird flu are intensifying among health experts as the virus expands its reach to cattle and domestic animals. According to reports, nearly 900 herds of cattle across 16 states have tested positive for the virus, sparking significant worry about its potential impact on agriculture and public health.

In Oregon, the virus has claimed the life of a domestic house cat that consumed pet food later confirmed to be contaminated with bird flu. This prompted a Portland-based pet food company to issue a voluntary nationwide recall of the affected product as a precautionary measure.

The situation is equally dire in Washington state, where a bird flu outbreak has killed more than half the big cats housed at a wildlife sanctuary. Experts are still investigating how these animals contracted the virus, raising further concerns about its transmission pathways.

Health officials urge caution and are closely monitoring the spread of bird flu to understand its impact and mitigate risks. The evolving situation highlights the importance of biosecurity measures in both agriculture and wildlife settings.

By: NBC Palm Springs

December 26, 2024

bird flucattle bird flupet food recallOregonWashington sanctuaryavian influenza spreadbig cats
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