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Coachella Faces Scrutiny Over $60K in Grants to Commissioner’s Wife’s Nonprofit

Questions are mounting over how the City of Coachella allocates taxpayer dollars after it was revealed that a nonprofit led by Yaya Ortiz—wife of Planning Commissioner Ruben Gonzalez—received over $60,000 in grants over the past two years.

During a recent council meeting, Ortiz requested $5,000 for her organization, Culturous Mexico Music and Arts, but was offered $1,000. Her emotional outburst at the meeting drew attention to the city’s grant process. Public records, however, show her nonprofit received $21,600 in 2023 and $38,300 in 2024—well above the city’s stated $1,000-per-grant cap.

City officials claim the funds were a combination of grants and sponsorships, not a conflict under the Political Reform Act. Still, critics argue that the optics of awarding tens of thousands of dollars to a commissioner’s family member are questionable.

Adding to the controversy, part of the funding reportedly came from city reserves—funds typically reserved for emergencies. “Burning through $13 million in reserves for grants is concerning,” said analyst Jim Walker. “It’s taxpayer money. Transparency is non-negotiable.”

Residents and officials alike are demanding clearer answers from city leadership.

By: Fred Roggin

February 20, 2025

City of CoachellaYaya Ortiznonprofit grantstaxpayer moneyCoachella City CouncilRuben Gonzalezethics in governmentpublic fundsCulturous Mexico Music and Artsgrant controversy
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