Desert Living Now

Air Force Veteran and Powerlifting Champion Sy Alli Shares His Journey in Out of the Storm

In a moving interview on Desert Living, Chaplain Sy Alli shared his remarkable journey from battling PTSD to becoming a youth mentor, powerlifting champion, and author of Out of the Storm. A U.S. Air Force veteran with 10 years of service, Alli discussed how identifying his PTSD triggers in 2020 led to his recovery and renewed sense of purpose.

“I battled deeply,” Alli revealed. “It wasn’t until I sobered up that I realized how bad off I was.” His military career took him from Germany to New Jersey, Washington, D.C., and North Dakota, where he served in security forces. Beyond his time in the Air Force, Alli explored powerlifting after meeting champion Willie Bell and later trained in professional wrestling after being encouraged by legends like Tony Atlas and Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat.

Today, Alli devotes his energy to mentoring youth through Alevo Learning, which provides social-emotional learning to students across 15 schools in the Palm Springs Unified School District. “Kids are facing mental health challenges too, and I’m honored to help them,” Alli said. His signature orange attire symbolizes Alevo’s vibrant approach to student engagement.

His book, Out of the Storm, available on Amazon in audiobook, ebook, paperback, and hardcover, has already reached global audiences with translations in Spanish, Italian, and French, and plans for Mandarin, German, Filipino, and Hindi editions. “Mental health is global,” Alli emphasized, explaining his mission to spread awareness beyond borders.

Supporters can connect with Alli through his organization Fit Squad (, which stands for Prophecy, Honor, Integrity, and Transformation—values that guide both his fitness and mentorship endeavors.

“You’ve got to find it. You’ve got to read it,” Desert Living host Brian said, highlighting the book’s powerful message of resilience and hope.

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By: NBC Palm Springs

February 25, 2025

Sy AlliOut of the Storm bookPTSD awarenessUS Air Force veteranpowerlifting championmental healthAlevo Learningyouth mentorshipFit Squadmental health in schools
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