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Coachella Councilmember Yadira Perez Under Fire After Husband's Federal Detainment

Coachella City Council chambers were filled with tension tonight as residents gathered to discuss Councilmember Yadira Perez’s position following the federal arrest of her husband weeks ago. Immigration and FBI agents detained her husband outside a Walmart in Coachella, sparking controversy and dividing public opinion on whether Perez should remain in office.

During the meeting, several residents took the podium, some standing in solidarity with Perez and others calling for her resignation, arguing that her personal situation has now affected the city. More than a dozen others submitted written statements expressing their concerns.

"It’s very unfortunate that there are people calling for your resignation," said one supporter. Meanwhile, another resident argued, "The moment that she decided to bring the city into the light of her personal things happening in her own home, it becomes an issue for the entire community."

Councilmember Perez addressed the outcry but declined to discuss details, saying, "You may judge me. I'm not going to talk about my personal life right now. My family is the most important thing to me, and if anybody can say otherwise, well, that is their opinion."

As of now, the Coachella City Council has not taken any action regarding Perez’s position.

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By: NBC Palm Springs

March 13, 2025

Yadira PerezCoachella City Councilfederal arrestICEFBICoachella politicscommunity responsepublic outcrycouncil meetingNBC Palm Springs
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