Local & Community

Coachella Engages Community in Planning Future Rail Station​

The City of Coachella is actively seeking community involvement in the planning of a new rail station that will serve as a key stop along the proposed Coachella Valley Rail (CV Rail) route. A public workshop is being held to gather input on the station's design, location, and integration into the community.​

The CV Rail project aims to establish daily passenger rail service connecting downtown Los Angeles to the Coachella Valley, enhancing regional mobility and providing residents with increased access to employment, education, and entertainment opportunities.​

As part of the Coachella Rail Station Feasibility Study, city officials have identified several potential sites for the new station. Following comprehensive evaluations and community feedback, Site No. 2, located in the historic Pueblo Viejo area, has been advanced for further consideration. The current workshop invites residents, business owners, and visitors to share their ideas on creating a station that is safe, accessible, and reflective of the community's character.​

Gabriel Perez, Coachella's Development Services Director, emphasized the importance of public participation in the planning process, stating that community insights are vital to developing a station that truly serves the needs of all stakeholders.​

The workshop is being held at the Coachella Branch Library's Community Room, located at 1500 6th St, Coachella, CA 92236. Attendees have the opportunity to review proposed plans, ask questions, and provide feedback directly to the project team. Spanish interpretation services are available to ensure inclusive participation.​

This initiative reflects Coachella's commitment to involving its community in significant infrastructure projects, aiming to create a rail station that not only improves transportation options but also enhances the overall quality of life in the region.​

For those unable to attend the workshop, additional information and opportunities to provide input are available on the city's official website.

By: NBC Palm Springs

March 18, 2025

Coachella rail stationpublic workshopCoachella Valley Railcommunity inputPueblo Viejotransportation planning
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