Water Wise Wednesday

Water Wise Wednesday: Tips for Conserving Water in Your Garden

It’s Water Wise Wednesday, and this week, Lorraine Garcia from the Coachella Valley Water District is sharing practical ways to conserve water in your outdoor landscaping. With temperatures climbing, smart water usage is essential for both saving resources and keeping gardens healthy.

Garcia advises homeowners to adjust their watering schedules, opting for early mornings and late evenings when temperatures are cooler and there is less wind. This reduces evaporation and ensures plants get the moisture they need. Another key tip is selecting desert-friendly plants that can withstand the region’s heat and dry conditions.

“Desert plants are not only beautiful, but they also require significantly less water,” Garcia explains. “And maintaining your irrigation system is just as important—checking for leaks and broken sprinklers can prevent unnecessary water waste.”

For those looking to enhance water efficiency, CVWD offers a range of rebates, including incentives for installing smart irrigation controllers, replacing high-water-use turf with drought-friendly landscaping, and upgrading to water-saving nozzles.

Residents interested in learning more about water conservation and available rebates can visit CVWD.org/conservation for details.

Water Wise Wednesday is brought to you by the Coachella Valley Water District.

By: NBC Palm Springs

March 20, 2025

Water Wise WednesdayCoachella Valley Water Districtwater conservationlandscaping tipssmart irrigationturf removalCVWD rebatesdesert plantssprinkler maintenanceoutdoor water savings
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